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Xemi is a Single platform for fast and easy trade management, Realtime 360º visibility, AI/ML enabled digital automation of processes of documents. It’s a Real-time visibility into all aspects of your supply chain. Complete control over your supply chain.

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XEMI’s easy-to-use Logistics as a Service provides a hassle-free way to track shipments, clear customs, and access data in real-time, anywhere.Spend 80% less time on paperwork. Easy access to all documents and communications for 7 years. Simplify client management from a single platform. Clear 50% more shipments with same team. Spend 80% less time on paperwork.

AI/Ml Data Extraction

Reduce manual labour and human error by using XEMI’s automated data extraction features to share data with customs, teams and partners.

Tracking and Visibility

End-to-end visibility of your shipment, documents and filings from manufacturer to your warehouse.

Document Management

Easily store, share and retrieve documents and information within the documents. Be fully prepared for inquiries or audits, now or in the future

Single Channel of Communication

Collaborate and share information securely with your team, customs brokers, freight forwarders, customs officer and other partners with complete transparency

Intelligent Alerts

Smart actionable alerts to avoid costly errors, improve efficiency and reduce costs

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